Call for Membership @ Vox Populi!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Vox Populi


VOX POPULI is accepting applications for membership through October 8.

Vox Populi is a member-run artist collective. Member artists mount a solo exhibition each 15 months and are eligible to participate in group and traveling exhibitions.  During these exhibitions, members are encouraged to take risks and experiment while working in a non-commercial and supportive collective environment.

Members also have the chance to curate shows and organize educational and related programming. Membership is open to any artist living in the Philadelphia area, but limited to those who do not have commercial gallery representation and who are not current students.   Members participate in all aspects of the gallery's administration and programming.

There is a one-time initiation fee of $100.00 for new members; monthly dues are $55.00. Members are required to staff the gallery 3 hours each month, attend monthly meetings and perform 6 hours of committee work each month.
Applications must include the following:
  • 10-20 jpegs (no larger than 1024x768 pixels at 72 ppi) and/or Quicktime files (no more than 10 minutes total) - on ONE disc, please
  • Corresponding numbered check list of works; including title, date, materials and dimensions
  • Current resume
  • Artist statement

Applications will be reviewed by the artist-membership of Vox Populi and must be received at the gallery by October 8, 2010. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Emailed submissions will not be reviewed. Please only submit requested materials as submissions will not be returned.

Submit materials to:
Vox Populi
New Member Review
319 North 11th Street
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
T: 215-238-1236


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