Exhibition featuring The Other Woman @ Moore

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Collectively Speaking, Then and Now: The Philadelphia Ten and The Other Woman
June 25 – August 23, 2010
Wilson Gallery

Selection of works from the 1920s, 30s and 40s by members of The Philadelphia Ten from Moore’s archives and new and recent works by members of The Other Woman, a Philadelphia-based art collective whose members are Aubrie Costello, Laura Graham, Darla Jackson, and Laura McKinley. Both groups were formed by female artists most of whom were students at Moore College of Art & Design (formerly known as Philadelphia School of Design for Women) in order to cultivate opportunities for group critiques, discussion forums and exhibitions. Collectives have a long rich history in Philadelphia. This exhibition looks at one of the earliest all women collective artist groups and how the tradition persists today.

In addition to individual works and a new installation by The Other Woman collective, the exhibition features paintings by seven of the eleven first members of The Philadelphia Ten who presented their first exhibition at the Art Club of Philadelphia in 1917 including Theresa Bernstein, Cora Smalley Brooks, Isabel Parke Branson Cartwright, Mary-Russell Ferrell Colton, Nancy Maybin Ferguson, Edith Lucille Howard and Helen Kiner McCarthy.


Teaching Artists - Summer Opportunities

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bartol Foundation Teaching Artists NEWS
Summer is here! That means there are many opportunities for employment in summer art programs in the city. Take a look at the Bartol Foundation's news page to view new summer job listings from various organizations in the city. http://bartol.org/teaching-artist-programs/news/


REMINDER - PVLA @ Crane Arts tonight!

Promise Breakers: An Artist's Legal Guide to Conflicts, Courts and Contracts Workshop
6 - 8 pm
1400 N. American Street

If you haven't yet, register HERE!


How Indy Hall Works

Monday, June 7, 2010


InLiquid's Art Membership Deadline - JUNE 10

Thursday, June 3, 2010

This is a MUST CHECK OUT situation for all emerging artists. Become a part of one of Philadelphia's largest online resources for artists and designers. http://inliquid.com/joininlq/index.htm

InLiquid serves the creative community by offering artist memberships, which are designed to promote and support the work of visual artists. Artists working in any media and at any stage of their career may apply. Applications for artist membership are reviewed three times a year.


Michelle Ortiz upcoming events

Michelle Ortiz, a mixed-media artist and participant in Net Nights at Moore - Building a Creative Life as a Teaching Artist back in March, will be part of an artist talk with members of the artist collective Las Gallas at Taller Puertorriqueño, Friday June 4 and is opening an exhibition with artist Nora Hiriart Litz at Casa Monarca on Friday, June 11. See below for event details or for more information visit Michelle's website.

Artist Talk at Taller Puertorriqueño
Friday, June 4th 6-8pm
Lorenzo Homar Gallery, 2721 N. 5th St. Philadelphia PA 19133
Las Gallas, Julia Lopez, Magda Martinez and Michelle Ortiz, will give an artist talk about their exhibition "Lo Que Aparece y Desaparece" at Taller Puertorriqueno. 

"El Viaje" Opening Reception @ Casa Monarca
Friday, June 11th
6:30- 9:00 pm
"El Viaje" is a project created by artists, Nora Hiriart Litz and Michelle Ortiz, that brings together the emerging Mexican community in South Philadelphia to give them a voice to tell their stories. These women, men, and children communicated their similar struggles, sacrifices, triumphs, and realities as immigrants making the journey to the United States. 

Casa Monarca is located at 1448 S. 17th Street (17th and Dickinson Streets)


Wind Challenge 3 @ Fleisher Art Memorial

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The final exhibition in this year's Wind Challenge Exhibition is on view now thru June 25.

Warren Angle, Exhibition Curator at the Fleisher Art Memorial was at Moore in September speaking about his experiences and the Wind Challenge along with Nadia Hironaka, a past Challenge winner. Interviews with both Warren and Nadia can be found in our archives.

The Wind Challenge is a great opportunity for any emerging artist in the city so make sure to check out the exhibition before its closes and look into next year's Wind Challenge deadline and requirements at www.fleisher.org.


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